Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Ommegang BCTC 2008: A Primer

There's been quite a bit of activity 'round here lately related to Ommegang's Belgium Comes to Cooperstown event, occurring again in just a couple of can't-be-short-enough days. Not only with Chris LaPierre's Two-Wheeling Chronicles, but with many of you stopping by looking for pictures and words about the event.

I can guess that some of you might be first time attendees. So, here are some quick links from prior years for anyone wondering what to expect from BCTC at Ommegang this weekend. Now, go get ready. Oh, did you want the 2008 BCTC tap list?


~ Bunch of Links to pictures and words


~ Pictures

~ Written, part 1

~ Written, part 2

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