Monday, July 17, 2006

Beer Event: Ommegang 2006, Belgium Comes To Cooperstown (Weekend Wrap-Up)

2006 Belgium Comes To Cooperstown Festival Well, if you've followed our mini-journal here the past few days, you probably have figured that we just returned from the most all-around exhilarating beer adventure that we've been on in quite some time, maybe ever. Sure, we've been to beer festivals, tastings, dinners, and other events, but nothing really compared to Ommegang's 2006 Belgium Comes To Cooperstown (BCTC) event. There have been so many memories created, good times had with old and new friends, and an RV-ing adventure to boot. All this in the name of very, very good beer! Seriously, wine can hold a candle to this? I think not...but, that's a future 'Topic of the Week' :)

So, here for ease of navigation is a wrap-up of our postings from the road over the past 3 days.

The written word

The plans for our trip to Cooperstown

We hit the road on Friday afternoon

The first night of activities on Friday

The morning of Saturday's festivities

The afternoon of Saturday's frivolity

The evening of Saturday's savagery

The day after on Sunday and getting home


Photo Gallery

Panoramic Picture

Hula girl extraordinare

Fire Song

The higher fire

Panoramic view of our wonderful experience

And the Bands played on

Memorable Beers

Bryan's List

Adam's List

Note: We'll add more images and links as we can.

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